Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can watch it here!

  • The 2024-25 season is $500

    You can do so here

  • No -- We recommend teams research their options before purchasing a drone. Teams may choose any drone kit/component that fits within rulebook requirements (such as size and cost). You may also look at the list of components in the ARC Drone Kit and purchase them directly from their original suppliers.

  • Yes, you can mail checks to

    STEM-ED, Inc.

    574 Parish Blvd.

    Mary Esther, FL 32569

  • No, but each team is required to register. Registration fees go towards supporting the regional and national events (food, insurance, equipment, prizes, etc.)

  • Team members must be high school students to be eligible for prizes. Middle school teams may choose to participate in the event but will be classified as "non competitive" exhibition teams. i.e.: not able to receive cash prizes.

  • The minimum would be 2 people (to ensure a pilot and co-pilot), average team sizes tend to be 3-5 students.

  • Absolutely! They can either form their own team or try to join a high-school team that is competing.

  • Yes, you are welcome to travel to whatever region is easiest to access. We ask that you let us know via email to as to which region you have designated.

  • Students are welcome to come to the US and compete in a competition. At this time, STEM-ED cannot support international regions/teams. We strongly encourage you to utilize our free online resources. Students around the world are welcome to complete the challenges in the ARC rulebook as an educational opportunity.

  • Yes we have so many way to support our students!

    Click here to support our teams.

    Click here to sponsor our competitions!