STEM-ED competitions are not just for students — volunteering is a great way to make a positive impact on your community
STEM-ED is run completely by volunteers, and we are actively looking for more volunteers to help us expand and reach more students! If you are interested in joining us, please read below and reach out to us!
We are currently actively looking for:
Marketing Volunteers
Volunteers for technology/curriculum development
If any of the roles above interest you, please reach out to us at beldon@stemed.org and/or fill out the form below! If you are interested in other ways of volunteering with us, don’t hesitate to reach out to us as well as find a potential fit with the roles listed below:
Volunteer Roles:
General Mentors (ARC and Summer Camp)
Mentors help students and their teams with any STEM-ED programs (Aerospace Robotics Competition, summer camp, etc.) Responsibilities include providing students and teachers with technical and programmatic support.
Regional Coordinators (ARC)
We are always looking for regional coordinators who help run the competitions in each region. Responsibilities include recruiting/organizing volunteers, recruiting schools to compete, building and managing finances, and running a one-day event.
Regional Volunteers (ARC)
Regional volunteers help regional coordinators run the local competitions. Potential roles are the following (region dependent):
Mentors: See the description above
Tech Coordinator: Point person for any competition technical questions. A one-day training session will be held with the CTO to get the tech coordinator up-to-speed on any technologies/curriculum involved with the competition
Mentor Coordinator: Helps the regional coordinator organize the mentors. Responsibilities include assigning mentors to teams, recruiting mentors, and working to ensure mentors are properly supported.
Event Coordinator: Organize the day-of competition. Responsibilities include setting day-of schedule, organize logistics (food, location,
Communications: In charge of communicating with schools and volunteers. Responsibilities include ensuring schools have all information needed including change to competitions, technical resources, etc.
General volunteer: Support any of the coordinators!
Nonprofit Volunteers
Nonprofit volunteers support the supporting structure that allows nonprofit programs to operate. Potential roles:
Marketing: Help communicate our work to the public. Responsibilities include managing nonprofit social media accounts, communicating with the public, and publishing a newsletter
Fundraising: Help raise money for the nonprofit to operate
Program Development: Help develop competition challenges and create new programs to further nonprofit mission
Technology/Curriculum Development: Help find technologies and develop corresponding curriculum such that the technology can help further the nonprofit's mission.
Program support: Provide nonprofit support to programs. Examples include helping regional coordinators with competition planning, providing technical support to summer camps, etc.
Benefits of Volunteering:
Community Impact
Letters of Recommendation
Exciting Speaker Series
Fill out the form on the right to share with us your thoughts and to get information on how to get involved. Please tell us if you have anything/role in particular listed above that you’d like to get involved with and we will reach out with more details on how you can get involved!