Florida Competition

Location: QI Roberts Jr-Sr High School, Florahome, FL, 21 May 2022 


  • Ongoing (October - April): Speaker Series featuring mentors and industry professionals

  • October 11th: Registration Opens

  • November 12th: Competition Kick-Off

  • November 24th: Registration Closes

  • Week of January 10th: Kit Drone Walk-Through

  • May 14th: Presentation Slides Due

  • May 21st: Florida Regional Competition (All Day)

Competition Next Steps

  1. Register for Competition

  2. Submit Liability Waivers for Each Student

  3. Submit Team’s Financial Plan 

  4. Watch the FL Region Kick-off Video

  5. Pass TRUST Exam

    1. Students must complete the short course and successfully pass the FAA TRUST Exam. Certificate of Completion required for student pilot(s), recommended for all team members. 

Students must email their certificate of completion to aero..robotics.comp@gmail.com with the subject